Usage Statistics for Atlantic City Free Public Library

Summary Period: August 2024
Generated 31-Aug-2024 03:10 -00

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2024
Total Hits 191650
Total Files 117272
Total Pages 173250
Total Visits 64870
Total KBytes 2342656
Total Unique Sites 24238
Total Unique URLs 2253
Total Unique Referrers 3002
Total Unique User Agents 3372
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 469 8166
Hits per Day 11273 53801
Files per Day 6898 13198
Pages per Day 10191 52818
Sites per Day 1425 4413
Visits per Day 3815 5595
KBytes per Day 137803 400776
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 7
Code 200 - OK 61.19% 117272
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 9
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 24
Code 303 - See Other 0.70% 1338
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.13% 251
Code 400 - Bad Request 1.27% 2425
Code 403 - Forbidden 26.92% 51601
Code 404 - Not Found 8.52% 16327
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 1
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.74% 1419
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.51% 976

Daily usage for August 2024

Daily Statistics for August 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
15 8320 4.34% 6079 5.18% 7733 4.46% 3333 5.14% 2486 10.26% 78647 3.36%
16 9358 4.88% 8122 6.93% 8561 4.94% 5250 8.09% 4119 16.99% 140880 6.01%
17 8362 4.36% 6909 5.89% 7484 4.32% 3987 6.15% 3114 12.85% 124597 5.32%
18 16269 8.49% 7444 6.35% 12879 7.43% 3976 6.13% 3160 13.04% 400776 17.11%
19 7512 3.92% 5771 4.92% 6205 3.58% 3282 5.06% 2377 9.81% 220971 9.43%
20 7112 3.71% 6000 5.12% 6424 3.71% 3731 5.75% 2917 12.03% 86607 3.70%
21 9377 4.89% 7928 6.76% 8513 4.91% 5595 8.62% 4413 18.21% 98961 4.22%
22 10229 5.34% 8308 7.08% 8697 5.02% 4820 7.43% 3932 16.22% 129850 5.54%
23 12458 6.50% 8425 7.18% 11759 6.79% 3851 5.94% 2939 12.13% 184640 7.88%
24 7333 3.83% 6012 5.13% 6563 3.79% 3408 5.25% 2343 9.67% 104413 4.46%
25 7720 4.03% 5826 4.97% 6486 3.74% 3332 5.14% 2360 9.74% 88733 3.79%
26 7240 3.78% 6080 5.18% 6448 3.72% 3993 6.16% 2951 12.18% 112345 4.80%
27 53801 28.07% 13198 11.25% 52818 30.49% 4773 7.36% 3608 14.89% 198544 8.48%
28 8765 4.57% 7393 6.30% 7716 4.45% 4353 6.71% 3330 13.74% 128022 5.46%
29 10594 5.53% 7976 6.80% 8473 4.89% 3775 5.82% 2777 11.46% 140124 5.98%
30 6392 3.34% 5104 4.35% 5772 3.33% 3102 4.78% 2000 8.25% 93972 4.01%
31 808 0.42% 697 0.59% 719 0.42% 445 0.69% 398 1.64% 10573 0.45%

Hourly usage for August 2024

Hourly Statistics for August 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 475 8086 4.22% 325 5532 4.72% 423 7207 4.16% 6481 110178 4.70%
1 418 7119 3.71% 296 5045 4.30% 309 5258 3.03% 5989 101809 4.35%
2 415 7056 3.68% 367 6241 5.32% 388 6598 3.81% 5547 94305 4.03%
3 374 6372 3.32% 314 5353 4.56% 340 5790 3.34% 5293 89989 3.84%
4 316 5376 2.81% 266 4535 3.87% 288 4908 2.83% 4121 70054 2.99%
5 317 5402 2.82% 268 4562 3.89% 288 4908 2.83% 6363 108168 4.62%
6 270 4598 2.40% 222 3778 3.22% 243 4139 2.39% 3262 55454 2.37%
7 270 4602 2.40% 223 3801 3.24% 239 4078 2.35% 3621 61559 2.63%
8 296 5042 2.63% 242 4125 3.52% 263 4485 2.59% 4221 71750 3.06%
9 313 5332 2.78% 254 4318 3.68% 273 4648 2.68% 10643 180924 7.72%
10 310 5283 2.76% 271 4610 3.93% 284 4841 2.79% 5234 88972 3.80%
11 814 13842 7.22% 244 4151 3.54% 633 10768 6.22% 18284 310833 13.27%
12 327 5573 2.91% 277 4709 4.02% 293 4985 2.88% 3681 62569 2.67%
13 387 6583 3.43% 335 5701 4.86% 347 5910 3.41% 5491 93344 3.98%
14 478 8134 4.24% 383 6512 5.55% 436 7423 4.28% 5073 86239 3.68%
15 620 10550 5.50% 286 4862 4.15% 590 10039 5.79% 4390 74626 3.19%
16 707 12033 6.28% 325 5527 4.71% 670 11393 6.58% 8239 140070 5.98%
17 833 14169 7.39% 353 6001 5.12% 755 12838 7.41% 5149 87534 3.74%
18 706 12011 6.27% 282 4809 4.10% 639 10872 6.28% 5926 100746 4.30%
19 620 10549 5.50% 268 4571 3.90% 589 10028 5.79% 4307 73214 3.13%
20 755 12841 6.70% 293 4996 4.26% 727 12369 7.14% 3836 65219 2.78%
21 617 10490 5.47% 259 4408 3.76% 590 10041 5.80% 4854 82523 3.52%
22 303 5156 2.69% 256 4354 3.71% 278 4738 2.73% 4209 71551 3.05%
23 320 5451 2.84% 280 4771 4.07% 293 4986 2.88% 3590 61026 2.60%

Top 30 of 2253 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 29900 15.60% 346262 14.78% /
2 3900 2.03% 40998 1.75% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 3303 1.72% 72810 3.11% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
4 2282 1.19% 74218 3.17% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
5 2120 1.11% 7604 0.32% /component/search/
6 2045 1.07% 22461 0.96% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
7 2025 1.06% 6758 0.29% /administrator/components/com_zhgooglemap/assets/css/common.css
8 1667 0.87% 14470 0.62% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
9 1088 0.57% 11636 0.50% /component/content/article.html
10 996 0.52% 32830 1.40% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
11 906 0.47% 10510 0.45% /17-front-page-articles.html
12 698 0.36% 5544 0.24% /about-us-new/contact-acfpl.html
13 685 0.36% 7219 0.31% /about-us-new/get-a-library-ecard.html
14 683 0.36% 6008 0.26% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html
15 573 0.30% 1188 0.05% /manage-your-acfpl-account/intranet.html
16 553 0.29% 4330 0.18% /manage-your-acfpl-account/student-ecard-application.html
17 553 0.29% 5752 0.25% /teens-kids-menu/kids-zone.html
18 547 0.29% 4837 0.21% /about-us-new/become-a-member.html
19 525 0.27% 4179 0.18% /about-us-new/holiday-closings-menu.html
20 507 0.26% 4065 0.17% /about-us-new/lost-found-policy.html
21 501 0.26% 4553 0.19% /manage-your-acfpl-account/ecard-application.html
22 498 0.26% 18621 0.79% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
23 496 0.26% 4387 0.19% /manage-your-acfpl-account/acboe-teacher-s-ecard.html
24 488 0.25% 3299 0.14% /about-us-new/board-of-trustees-menu.html
25 480 0.25% 4851 0.21% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
26 479 0.25% 4191 0.18% /about-us-new/library-history.html
27 447 0.23% 2948 0.13% /about-us-new/mission-statement.html
28 442 0.23% 3071 0.13% /about-us-new/library-funding.html
29 440 0.23% 3687 0.16% /events-menu/library-news-rss-feed.html
30 419 0.22% 1109 0.05% /favicon.ico

Top 10 of 2253 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 29900 15.60% 346262 14.78% /
2 36 0.02% 152151 6.49% /files/discovery/MayJune2013web.pdf
3 32 0.02% 152024 6.49% /files/discovery/MarchApril2013web.pdf
4 36 0.02% 90539 3.86% /files/discovery/JanuaryFebruary2013web.pdf
5 2282 1.19% 74218 3.17% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
6 3303 1.72% 72810 3.11% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
7 21 0.01% 41922 1.79% /files/discovery/JanFeb2008final.pdf
8 3900 2.03% 40998 1.75% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
9 996 0.52% 32830 1.40% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
10 2045 1.07% 22461 0.96% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html

Top 10 of 1861 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 29900 15.60% 15144 24.29% /
2 3900 2.03% 2366 3.79% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 2282 1.19% 1498 2.40% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
4 2045 1.07% 1277 2.05% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
5 3303 1.72% 996 1.60% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
6 1667 0.87% 945 1.52% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
7 996 0.52% 814 1.31% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
8 1088 0.57% 735 1.18% /component/content/article.html
9 906 0.47% 612 0.98% /17-front-page-articles.html
10 683 0.36% 487 0.78% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html

Top 10 of 1849 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 29900 15.60% 15021 24.47% /
2 3900 2.03% 2369 3.86% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 2282 1.19% 1527 2.49% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
4 2045 1.07% 1263 2.06% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
5 3303 1.72% 1151 1.88% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
6 1667 0.87% 842 1.37% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
7 996 0.52% 777 1.27% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
8 1088 0.57% 775 1.26% /component/content/article.html
9 906 0.47% 607 0.99% /17-front-page-articles.html
10 683 0.36% 505 0.82% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html

Top 30 of 24238 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 42248 22.04% 2799 2.39% 19035 0.81% 28 0.04%
2 6964 3.63% 212 0.18% 253473 10.82% 4 0.01%
3 1547 0.81% 1142 0.97% 45216 1.93% 16 0.02%
4 1543 0.81% 180 0.15% 2947 0.13% 1 0.00%
5 1536 0.80% 1131 0.96% 50405 2.15% 18 0.03%
6 1370 0.71% 5 0.00% 42 0.00% 1 0.00%
7 1370 0.71% 5 0.00% 42 0.00% 1 0.00%
8 1370 0.71% 6 0.01% 55 0.00% 1 0.00%
9 1336 0.70% 984 0.84% 38812 1.66% 16 0.02%
10 1152 0.60% 1152 0.98% 8263 0.35% 96 0.15%
11 977 0.51% 969 0.83% 8208 0.35% 221 0.34%
12 915 0.48% 96 0.08% 68 0.00% 1 0.00%
13 912 0.48% 906 0.77% 52114 2.22% 265 0.41%
14 856 0.45% 856 0.73% 2379 0.10% 3 0.00%
15 847 0.44% 788 0.67% 21431 0.91% 1 0.00%
16 845 0.44% 786 0.67% 21324 0.91% 1 0.00%
17 696 0.36% 480 0.41% 16380 0.70% 1 0.00%
18 696 0.36% 480 0.41% 16371 0.70% 1 0.00%
19 690 0.36% 10 0.01% 717 0.03% 0 0.00%
20 659 0.34% 21 0.02% 518 0.02% 31 0.05%
21 643 0.34% 407 0.35% 3462 0.15% 16 0.02%
22 605 0.32% 471 0.40% 4411 0.19% 2 0.00%
23 598 0.31% 12 0.01% 614 0.03% 1 0.00%
24 587 0.31% 587 0.50% 22556 0.96% 9 0.01%
25 527 0.27% 527 0.45% 20216 0.86% 1 0.00%
26 514 0.27% 456 0.39% 14742 0.63% 163 0.25%
27 485 0.25% 464 0.40% 29148 1.24% 240 0.37%
28 475 0.25% 424 0.36% 16888 0.72% 172 0.27%
29 450 0.23% 180 0.15% 6538 0.28% 1 0.00%
30 427 0.22% 403 0.34% 2991 0.13% 36 0.06%

Top 10 of 24238 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 6964 3.63% 212 0.18% 253473 10.82% 4 0.01%
2 53 0.03% 52 0.04% 61108 2.61% 1 0.00%
3 912 0.48% 906 0.77% 52114 2.22% 265 0.41%
4 1536 0.80% 1131 0.96% 50405 2.15% 18 0.03%
5 1547 0.81% 1142 0.97% 45216 1.93% 16 0.02%
6 16 0.01% 16 0.01% 41191 1.76% 0 0.00%
7 425 0.22% 396 0.34% 39184 1.67% 5 0.01%
8 1336 0.70% 984 0.84% 38812 1.66% 16 0.02%
9 20 0.01% 20 0.02% 35308 1.51% 1 0.00%
10 485 0.25% 464 0.40% 29148 1.24% 240 0.37%

Top 30 of 3002 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 171807 89.65% - (Direct Request)
2 1594 0.83%
3 1344 0.70%
4 960 0.50%
5 727 0.38%
6 690 0.36%
7 454 0.24%
8 446 0.23%
9 349 0.18%
10 301 0.16%
11 251 0.13%
12 239 0.12%
13 174 0.09%
14 151 0.08%
15 146 0.08%
16 141 0.07%
17 141 0.07%
18 136 0.07%
19 134 0.07%
20 133 0.07%
21 128 0.07%
22 128 0.07%
23 126 0.07%
24 124 0.06%
25 124 0.06%
26 124 0.06%
27 121 0.06%
28 120 0.06%
29 118 0.06%
30 113 0.06%

Top 20 of 36 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 22 30.56%
2 8 11.11%
3 6 8.33%
4 2 2.78%
5 2 2.78%
6 2 2.78%
7 1 1.39% cornelus bell
8 1 1.39%
9 1 1.39%
10 1 1.39%
11 1 1.39%
12 1 1.39%
13 1 1.39%
14 1 1.39%
15 1 1.39%
16 1 1.39%
17 1 1.39%
18 1 1.39%
19 1 1.39%
20 1 1.39%

Top 15 of 3372 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 39850 20.79% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_7; en-us) AppleWebKit/530.19.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.1 Safari/530.18
2 24416 12.74% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
3 12046 6.29% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
4 9090 4.74% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:80.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/80.0
5 7787 4.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
6 6535 3.41% Mozilla/5.0 [en] (X11, U; OpenVAS-VT 9.0.3)
7 6492 3.39% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
8 5432 2.83% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
9 4477 2.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/127.0.6533.119 Mobile
10 4419 2.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
11 3215 1.68% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0
12 2580 1.35% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
13 2265 1.18% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
14 2228 1.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
15 1803 0.94% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;

Usage by Country for August 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 191650 100.00% 117281 100.01% 2342656 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23