Usage Statistics for Atlantic City Free Public Library

Summary Period: September 2024
Generated 30-Sep-2024 03:10 -00

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2024
Total Hits 313071
Total Files 250369
Total Pages 278298
Total Visits 111553
Total KBytes 5359454
Total Unique Sites 31893
Total Unique URLs 2347
Total Unique Referrers 5335
Total Unique User Agents 5185
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 434 9151
Hits per Day 10435 21715
Files per Day 8345 11300
Pages per Day 9276 18826
Sites per Day 1063 3783
Visits per Day 3718 5231
KBytes per Day 178648 463761
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.01% 18
Code 200 - OK 79.97% 250369
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.04% 121
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.02% 50
Code 303 - See Other 0.68% 2124
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.17% 525
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.93% 2919
Code 403 - Forbidden 7.89% 24704
Code 404 - Not Found 9.11% 28534
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 2
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.45% 1399
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.74% 2306

Daily usage for September 2024

Daily Statistics for September 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 6816 2.18% 5647 2.26% 6116 2.20% 2668 2.39% 1862 5.84% 98344 1.83%
2 6487 2.07% 5339 2.13% 5780 2.08% 2883 2.58% 1885 5.91% 191950 3.58%
3 7378 2.36% 5831 2.33% 6042 2.17% 2924 2.62% 1911 5.99% 153184 2.86%
4 8387 2.68% 6932 2.77% 7384 2.65% 3079 2.76% 2028 6.36% 182093 3.40%
5 10488 3.35% 5735 2.29% 9841 3.54% 3055 2.74% 1907 5.98% 97995 1.83%
6 9271 2.96% 8106 3.24% 8374 3.01% 3094 2.77% 1861 5.84% 111284 2.08%
7 8363 2.67% 7042 2.81% 7326 2.63% 2973 2.67% 1720 5.39% 90257 1.68%
8 9925 3.17% 8747 3.49% 9123 3.28% 3186 2.86% 1756 5.51% 126576 2.36%
9 8269 2.64% 7050 2.82% 7508 2.70% 3106 2.78% 1883 5.90% 109699 2.05%
10 8011 2.56% 6774 2.71% 7234 2.60% 3247 2.91% 2282 7.16% 89638 1.67%
11 13023 4.16% 11300 4.51% 11913 4.28% 4316 3.87% 3062 9.60% 210280 3.92%
12 20165 6.44% 11070 4.42% 18826 6.76% 4986 4.47% 3430 10.75% 152441 2.84%
13 11516 3.68% 9364 3.74% 9531 3.42% 4995 4.48% 3588 11.25% 221268 4.13%
14 21715 6.94% 9428 3.77% 15892 5.71% 4813 4.31% 3485 10.93% 463761 8.65%
15 9735 3.11% 8461 3.38% 8861 3.18% 4481 4.02% 3058 9.59% 239519 4.47%
16 11039 3.53% 9629 3.85% 10015 3.60% 4723 4.23% 3432 10.76% 153302 2.86%
17 12121 3.87% 10608 4.24% 11039 3.97% 5231 4.69% 3783 11.86% 187813 3.50%
18 12339 3.94% 10808 4.32% 11057 3.97% 5009 4.49% 3713 11.64% 373803 6.97%
19 9376 2.99% 8349 3.33% 8525 3.06% 3933 3.53% 2583 8.10% 251217 4.69%
20 10510 3.36% 9268 3.70% 9599 3.45% 3980 3.57% 2536 7.95% 184528 3.44%
21 11621 3.71% 9358 3.74% 9849 3.54% 4355 3.90% 3050 9.56% 169510 3.16%
22 10109 3.23% 9054 3.62% 9261 3.33% 3892 3.49% 2451 7.69% 164095 3.06%
23 10371 3.31% 8918 3.56% 9324 3.35% 4046 3.63% 2634 8.26% 191318 3.57%
24 10586 3.38% 9189 3.67% 9616 3.46% 3910 3.51% 2665 8.36% 172592 3.22%
25 9885 3.16% 8515 3.40% 8863 3.18% 3903 3.50% 2626 8.23% 182489 3.40%
26 11622 3.71% 10387 4.15% 10672 3.83% 3737 3.35% 2522 7.91% 174913 3.26%
27 10690 3.41% 9077 3.63% 9442 3.39% 3868 3.47% 2738 8.58% 271470 5.07%
28 10043 3.21% 8866 3.54% 9246 3.32% 3682 3.30% 2584 8.10% 180545 3.37%
29 11958 3.82% 10385 4.15% 10889 3.91% 3513 3.15% 2351 7.37% 137656 2.57%
30 1252 0.40% 1132 0.45% 1150 0.41% 531 0.48% 461 1.45% 25915 0.48%

Hourly usage for September 2024

Hourly Statistics for September 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 406 12206 3.90% 355 10669 4.26% 373 11198 4.02% 7034 211015 3.94%
1 436 13081 4.18% 387 11624 4.64% 393 11813 4.24% 10135 304051 5.67%
2 427 12817 4.09% 373 11219 4.48% 386 11584 4.16% 6303 189079 3.53%
3 409 12298 3.93% 362 10884 4.35% 378 11348 4.08% 6502 195050 3.64%
4 432 12982 4.15% 357 10725 4.28% 373 11197 4.02% 7931 237931 4.44%
5 463 13896 4.44% 331 9943 3.97% 424 12747 4.58% 5632 168957 3.15%
6 638 19141 6.11% 297 8915 3.56% 446 13407 4.82% 15184 455518 8.50%
7 374 11245 3.59% 303 9116 3.64% 317 9527 3.42% 5514 165414 3.09%
8 363 10906 3.48% 304 9127 3.65% 325 9754 3.50% 5720 171603 3.20%
9 436 13107 4.19% 320 9620 3.84% 397 11929 4.29% 5357 160716 3.00%
10 578 17359 5.54% 404 12120 4.84% 538 16153 5.80% 13415 402448 7.51%
11 468 14066 4.49% 341 10233 4.09% 434 13021 4.68% 6698 200947 3.75%
12 376 11299 3.61% 332 9960 3.98% 337 10116 3.63% 9463 283895 5.30%
13 418 12557 4.01% 360 10818 4.32% 370 11117 3.99% 8831 264937 4.94%
14 537 16117 5.15% 364 10943 4.37% 494 14847 5.33% 7171 215143 4.01%
15 415 12469 3.98% 363 10915 4.36% 380 11426 4.11% 6216 186485 3.48%
16 425 12756 4.07% 368 11041 4.41% 388 11642 4.18% 6502 195050 3.64%
17 446 13409 4.28% 368 11060 4.42% 388 11647 4.19% 7412 222349 4.15%
18 459 13786 4.40% 376 11300 4.51% 389 11686 4.20% 7635 229035 4.27%
19 376 11302 3.61% 322 9666 3.86% 341 10231 3.68% 5708 171226 3.19%
20 414 12429 3.97% 351 10557 4.22% 370 11125 4.00% 6546 196368 3.66%
21 362 10882 3.48% 316 9484 3.79% 330 9925 3.57% 6103 183083 3.42%
22 374 11249 3.59% 337 10131 4.05% 342 10288 3.70% 5531 165931 3.10%
23 390 11712 3.74% 343 10299 4.11% 352 10570 3.80% 6107 183224 3.42%

Top 30 of 2347 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 57213 18.27% 729948 13.62% /
2 6661 2.13% 75455 1.41% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 6400 2.04% 144115 2.69% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
4 4335 1.38% 14478 0.27% /administrator/components/com_zhgooglemap/assets/css/common.css
5 3873 1.24% 138162 2.58% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
6 3545 1.13% 40942 0.76% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
7 3100 0.99% 16870 0.31% /manage-your-acfpl-account/student-ecard-application.html
8 2978 0.95% 29220 0.55% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
9 2181 0.70% 13208 0.25% /component/content/category/11-explore-menu-items
10 2169 0.69% 74401 1.39% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
11 2110 0.67% 24840 0.46% /component/content/article.html
12 2067 0.66% 13184 0.25% /component/search/
13 1679 0.54% 74255 1.39% /2013-05-30-18-59-15/27-historical-markers/atlantic-county-historical-markers
14 1666 0.53% 88800 1.66% /component/content/category/14-kids-pages
15 1526 0.49% 63790 1.19% /component/content/category/17-front-page-articles
16 1484 0.47% 16886 0.32% /2013-05-30-18-59-15/2-uncategorised
17 1374 0.44% 10971 0.20% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html
18 1373 0.44% 31277 0.58% /2013-05-30-18-59-15/26-historical-markers/markers-to-commemorate-events
19 1351 0.43% 13924 0.26% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
20 1344 0.43% 129142 2.41% /component/content/category/15-heston-archives
21 1304 0.42% 43060 0.80% /2013-05-30-18-59-15/28-historical-markers/atlantic-city-historical-markers
22 1295 0.41% 9872 0.18% /about-us-new/contact-acfpl.html
23 1293 0.41% 12430 0.23% /about-us-new/get-a-library-ecard.html
24 1273 0.41% 1498 0.03% /component/content/category/25-historical-markers
25 1231 0.39% 2467 0.05% /manage-your-acfpl-account/intranet.html
26 1222 0.39% 9515 0.18% /about-us-new/become-a-member.html
27 1169 0.37% 1326 0.02% /2013-05-30-18-59-15/25-historical-markers
28 1152 0.37% 59540 1.11% /component/content/category/12-classes-and-event-menu-articles
29 1054 0.34% 8282 0.15% /about-us-new/lost-found-policy.html
30 1045 0.33% 6794 0.13% /about-us-new/library-funding.html

Top 10 of 2347 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 57213 18.27% 729948 13.62% /
2 40 0.01% 191256 3.57% /files/discovery/MarchApril2013web.pdf
3 37 0.01% 156499 2.92% /files/discovery/MayJune2013web.pdf
4 6400 2.04% 144115 2.69% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
5 3873 1.24% 138162 2.58% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
6 1344 0.43% 129142 2.41% /component/content/category/15-heston-archives
7 41 0.01% 100599 1.88% /files/discovery/JanuaryFebruary2013web.pdf
8 1666 0.53% 88800 1.66% /component/content/category/14-kids-pages
9 931 0.30% 88109 1.64% /2013-05-30-18-59-15/15-heston-archives
10 6661 2.13% 75455 1.41% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html

Top 10 of 1942 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 57213 18.27% 30196 27.92% /
2 6661 2.13% 2777 2.57% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 6400 2.04% 1827 1.69% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
4 3873 1.24% 1816 1.68% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
5 2169 0.69% 1745 1.61% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
6 3545 1.13% 1502 1.39% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
7 2978 0.95% 1185 1.10% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
8 2181 0.70% 1050 0.97% /component/content/category/11-explore-menu-items
9 1351 0.43% 1045 0.97% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
10 1374 0.44% 807 0.75% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html

Top 10 of 1918 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 57213 18.27% 29754 27.88% /
2 6661 2.13% 2759 2.59% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 6400 2.04% 2107 1.97% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
4 3873 1.24% 1813 1.70% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
5 2169 0.69% 1680 1.57% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
6 3545 1.13% 1548 1.45% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
7 2181 0.70% 1064 1.00% /component/content/category/11-explore-menu-items
8 2978 0.95% 1017 0.95% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
9 1351 0.43% 993 0.93% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
10 1374 0.44% 859 0.80% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html

Top 30 of 31893 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 11107 3.55% 226 0.09% 253482 4.73% 4 0.00%
2 10117 3.23% 2330 0.93% 15609 0.29% 8 0.01%
3 3704 1.18% 3474 1.39% 15746 0.29% 63 0.06%
4 3635 1.16% 0 0.00% 81 0.00% 1 0.00%
5 3391 1.08% 3149 1.26% 85228 1.59% 1 0.00%
6 2549 0.81% 2419 0.97% 80311 1.50% 403 0.36%
7 2509 0.80% 2509 1.00% 99343 1.85% 26 0.02%
8 2509 0.80% 2490 0.99% 95233 1.78% 502 0.45%
9 2406 0.77% 2344 0.94% 19135 0.36% 366 0.33%
10 2370 0.76% 2291 0.92% 17969 0.34% 399 0.36%
11 2347 0.75% 2276 0.91% 18436 0.34% 391 0.35%
12 2346 0.75% 2287 0.91% 18367 0.34% 370 0.33%
13 2336 0.75% 2273 0.91% 17938 0.33% 407 0.36%
14 2324 0.74% 2264 0.90% 18223 0.34% 388 0.35%
15 2314 0.74% 2240 0.89% 17747 0.33% 389 0.35%
16 2313 0.74% 2232 0.89% 17496 0.33% 389 0.35%
17 2306 0.74% 2238 0.89% 17625 0.33% 412 0.37%
18 2282 0.73% 2221 0.89% 73430 1.37% 318 0.29%
19 2278 0.73% 2210 0.88% 17325 0.32% 400 0.36%
20 2276 0.73% 2203 0.88% 17205 0.32% 387 0.35%
21 2273 0.73% 2213 0.88% 17560 0.33% 394 0.35%
22 2272 0.73% 2209 0.88% 17637 0.33% 389 0.35%
23 2259 0.72% 2195 0.88% 17293 0.32% 392 0.35%
24 2252 0.72% 2202 0.88% 17843 0.33% 377 0.34%
25 2246 0.72% 2195 0.88% 17231 0.32% 399 0.36%
26 2235 0.71% 2180 0.87% 17579 0.33% 402 0.36%
27 2233 0.71% 2170 0.87% 16880 0.31% 384 0.34%
28 2231 0.71% 2160 0.86% 16880 0.31% 392 0.35%
29 2199 0.70% 2147 0.86% 17569 0.33% 389 0.35%
30 2087 0.67% 2087 0.83% 14934 0.28% 174 0.16%

Top 10 of 31893 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 11107 3.55% 226 0.09% 253482 4.73% 4 0.00%
2 427 0.14% 405 0.16% 116789 2.18% 33 0.03%
3 360 0.11% 343 0.14% 115927 2.16% 14 0.01%
4 2509 0.80% 2509 1.00% 99343 1.85% 26 0.02%
5 969 0.31% 676 0.27% 97260 1.81% 38 0.03%
6 2509 0.80% 2490 0.99% 95233 1.78% 502 0.45%
7 3391 1.08% 3149 1.26% 85228 1.59% 1 0.00%
8 2549 0.81% 2419 0.97% 80311 1.50% 403 0.36%
9 2282 0.73% 2221 0.89% 73430 1.37% 318 0.29%
10 682 0.22% 603 0.24% 72771 1.36% 289 0.26%

Top 30 of 5335 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 260110 83.08% - (Direct Request)
2 5951 1.90%
3 5055 1.61%
4 3451 1.10%
5 3079 0.98%
6 1967 0.63%
7 1321 0.42%
8 979 0.31%
9 766 0.24%
10 681 0.22%
11 578 0.18%
12 521 0.17%
13 509 0.16%
14 492 0.16%
15 477 0.15%
16 393 0.13%
17 322 0.10%
18 312 0.10%
19 306 0.10%
20 297 0.09%
21 293 0.09%
22 287 0.09%
23 264 0.08%
24 263 0.08%
25 261 0.08%
26 238 0.08%
27 234 0.07%
28 230 0.07%
29 227 0.07%
30 226 0.07%

Top 20 of 76 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5886 96.48% testing
2 65 1.07% testing'||dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(98)||chr(98)||chr(98)15)||'
3 35 0.57%
4 22 0.36%
5 13 0.21%
6 5 0.08%
7 4 0.07%
8 2 0.03%
9 2 0.03%
10 1 0.02% free online adult comics
11 1 0.02%
12 1 0.02%
13 1 0.02%
14 1 0.02%
15 1 0.02%
16 1 0.02%
17 1 0.02%
18 1 0.02%
19 1 0.02%
20 1 0.02%

Top 15 of 5185 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 46158 14.74% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
2 24198 7.73% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
3 22332 7.13% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
4 16497 5.27% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:80.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/80.0
5 11015 3.52% Mozilla/5.0 [en] (X11, U; OpenVAS-VT 9.0.3)
6 10312 3.29% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
7 9312 2.97% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
8 8761 2.80% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 7327 2.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0
10 6771 2.16% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeekportBot; +
11 5672 1.81% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/128.0.6613.137 Mobile
12 4607 1.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
13 4448 1.42% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
14 4252 1.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
15 3783 1.21% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19

Usage by Country for September 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 313071 100.00% 250490 100.05% 5359454 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23