Usage Statistics for Atlantic City Free Public Library

Summary Period: October 2024
Generated 18-Oct-2024 03:10 -00

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2024
Total Hits 172508
Total Files 139109
Total Pages 149056
Total Visits 54617
Total KBytes 3581310
Total Unique Sites 21439
Total Unique URLs 2176
Total Unique Referrers 3162
Total Unique User Agents 4148
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 399 5444
Hits per Day 9583 15233
Files per Day 7728 10408
Pages per Day 8280 11049
Sites per Day 1191 2708
Visits per Day 3034 3849
KBytes per Day 198962 448895
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.01% 12
Code 200 - OK 80.64% 139109
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 8
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.01% 23
Code 303 - See Other 0.70% 1204
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.12% 203
Code 400 - Bad Request 1.19% 2047
Code 403 - Forbidden 4.52% 7800
Code 404 - Not Found 11.57% 19957
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 2
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.58% 999
Code 417 - Expectation Failed 0.00% 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.66% 1143

Daily usage for October 2024

Daily Statistics for October 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 8513 4.93% 7037 5.06% 7778 5.22% 3035 5.56% 2039 9.51% 126357 3.53%
2 8641 5.01% 7614 5.47% 7597 5.10% 3100 5.68% 2230 10.40% 273920 7.65%
3 11440 6.63% 9495 6.83% 9754 6.54% 3748 6.86% 2323 10.84% 142757 3.99%
4 12104 7.02% 10408 7.48% 10701 7.18% 3849 7.05% 2455 11.45% 248082 6.93%
5 8939 5.18% 7837 5.63% 8109 5.44% 3325 6.09% 2139 9.98% 122110 3.41%
6 8656 5.02% 7570 5.44% 7892 5.29% 3411 6.25% 2084 9.72% 107751 3.01%
7 9227 5.35% 8012 5.76% 8152 5.47% 3388 6.20% 2198 10.25% 223097 6.23%
8 10238 5.93% 8847 6.36% 8905 5.97% 3645 6.67% 2708 12.63% 233881 6.53%
9 9220 5.34% 7652 5.50% 7897 5.30% 3474 6.36% 2427 11.32% 226842 6.33%
10 11863 6.88% 10213 7.34% 10719 7.19% 2998 5.49% 2003 9.34% 147598 4.12%
11 7921 4.59% 6838 4.92% 7144 4.79% 2726 4.99% 1760 8.21% 142944 3.99%
12 9263 5.37% 7968 5.73% 8323 5.58% 2797 5.12% 1840 8.58% 235773 6.58%
13 8637 5.01% 7214 5.19% 7582 5.09% 2609 4.78% 1659 7.74% 129340 3.61%
14 9969 5.78% 8313 5.98% 8680 5.82% 3224 5.90% 2282 10.64% 271031 7.57%
15 15233 8.83% 7084 5.09% 11049 7.41% 2879 5.27% 1818 8.48% 448895 12.53%
16 9338 5.41% 7645 5.50% 7999 5.37% 3018 5.53% 2035 9.49% 252920 7.06%
17 12173 7.06% 8363 6.01% 9748 6.54% 3211 5.88% 2084 9.72% 236955 6.62%
18 1133 0.66% 999 0.72% 1027 0.69% 517 0.95% 448 2.09% 11058 0.31%

Hourly usage for October 2024

Hourly Statistics for October 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 351 6321 3.66% 284 5116 3.68% 288 5196 3.49% 16527 297481 8.31%
1 391 7040 4.08% 345 6224 4.47% 348 6273 4.21% 7037 126672 3.54%
2 383 6909 4.01% 331 5967 4.29% 341 6143 4.12% 5852 105338 2.94%
3 338 6097 3.53% 294 5298 3.81% 297 5357 3.59% 9635 173425 4.84%
4 331 5974 3.46% 288 5189 3.73% 295 5321 3.57% 15411 277392 7.75%
5 359 6468 3.75% 304 5476 3.94% 318 5731 3.84% 5552 99929 2.79%
6 411 7402 4.29% 354 6381 4.59% 374 6743 4.52% 7553 135960 3.80%
7 375 6756 3.92% 290 5234 3.76% 340 6125 4.11% 4909 88359 2.47%
8 421 7580 4.39% 295 5320 3.82% 368 6632 4.45% 4454 80165 2.24%
9 421 7580 4.39% 335 6037 4.34% 357 6443 4.32% 6019 108343 3.03%
10 359 6468 3.75% 312 5617 4.04% 319 5757 3.86% 13475 242551 6.77%
11 376 6772 3.93% 321 5781 4.16% 330 5943 3.99% 9872 177692 4.96%
12 428 7720 4.48% 374 6746 4.85% 384 6917 4.64% 7541 135740 3.79%
13 407 7333 4.25% 333 6004 4.32% 342 6159 4.13% 4929 88721 2.48%
14 401 7229 4.19% 321 5786 4.16% 337 6083 4.08% 4928 88707 2.48%
15 450 8101 4.70% 394 7101 5.10% 405 7293 4.89% 5972 107488 3.00%
16 418 7531 4.37% 340 6135 4.41% 355 6402 4.30% 5310 95585 2.67%
17 400 7202 4.17% 351 6331 4.55% 359 6464 4.34% 10969 197446 5.51%
18 386 6957 4.03% 334 6014 4.32% 339 6119 4.11% 10338 186084 5.20%
19 368 6626 3.84% 302 5436 3.91% 322 5801 3.89% 5448 98060 2.74%
20 504 9077 5.26% 328 5917 4.25% 418 7527 5.05% 5362 96512 2.69%
21 618 11132 6.45% 300 5415 3.89% 445 8026 5.38% 18380 330847 9.24%
22 366 6603 3.83% 322 5798 4.17% 321 5778 3.88% 4450 80095 2.24%
23 312 5630 3.26% 265 4786 3.44% 267 4823 3.24% 9040 162719 4.54%

Top 30 of 2176 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 30990 17.96% 453714 12.67% /
2 4494 2.61% 45861 1.28% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 3452 2.00% 75751 2.12% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
4 2369 1.37% 7918 0.22% /administrator/components/com_zhgooglemap/assets/css/common.css
5 2306 1.34% 11681 0.33% /component/search/
6 2270 1.32% 76732 2.14% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
7 2245 1.30% 18151 0.51% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
8 2236 1.30% 23780 0.66% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
9 1553 0.90% 16265 0.45% /component/content/article.html
10 1277 0.74% 40891 1.14% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
11 1111 0.64% 6602 0.18% /manage-your-acfpl-account/student-ecard-application.html
12 1046 0.61% 10451 0.29% /manage-your-acfpl-account/acboe-teacher-s-ecard.html
13 907 0.53% 9028 0.25% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
14 744 0.43% 5845 0.16% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html
15 716 0.42% 1345 0.04% /manage-your-acfpl-account/intranet.html
16 665 0.39% 4977 0.14% /about-us-new/contact-acfpl.html
17 645 0.37% 5893 0.16% /about-us-new/get-a-library-ecard.html
18 613 0.36% 4404 0.12% /about-us-new/become-a-member.html
19 594 0.34% 6206 0.17% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories/556-october-is-american-archives-month.html
20 553 0.32% 1527 0.04% /favicon.ico
21 550 0.32% 3367 0.09% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories/555-library-services-survey.html
22 540 0.31% 3241 0.09% /about-us-new/board-of-trustees-menu.html
23 533 0.31% 18933 0.53% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
24 529 0.31% 3937 0.11% /about-us-new/lost-found-policy.html
25 508 0.29% 3138 0.09% /about-us-new/library-funding.html
26 504 0.29% 3134 0.09% /about-us-new/holiday-closings-menu.html
27 498 0.29% 4031 0.11% /about-us-new/library-history.html
28 491 0.28% 3051 0.09% /about-us-new/library-policies-procedures.html
29 470 0.27% 3023 0.08% /about-us-new/board-of-trustees-menu/2023-09-19-17-59-20.html
30 461 0.27% 3389 0.09% /events-menu/library-news-rss-feed.html

Top 10 of 2176 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 30990 17.96% 453714 12.67% /
2 41 0.02% 156499 4.37% /files/discovery/MayJune2013web.pdf
3 21 0.01% 93176 2.60% /files/discovery/MarchApril2013web.pdf
4 2270 1.32% 76732 2.14% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
5 3452 2.00% 75751 2.12% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
6 35 0.02% 68399 1.91% /files/discovery/JanFeb2008final.pdf
7 25 0.01% 67125 1.87% /files/discovery/JanFeb2007.pdf
8 25 0.01% 64539 1.80% /files/discovery/novemberdecember2010web.pdf
9 22 0.01% 63199 1.76% /files/discovery/november-december2007.pdf
10 16 0.01% 61183 1.71% /files/discovery/JulyAugust2011web.pdf

Top 10 of 1704 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 30990 17.96% 14122 26.94% /
2 4494 2.61% 1626 3.10% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 3452 2.00% 1097 2.09% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
4 1277 0.74% 1012 1.93% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
5 2270 1.32% 927 1.77% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
6 2236 1.30% 777 1.48% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
7 907 0.53% 673 1.28% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
8 2245 1.30% 629 1.20% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
9 1553 0.90% 609 1.16% /component/content/article.html
10 744 0.43% 412 0.79% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html

Top 10 of 1674 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 30990 17.96% 13756 26.68% /
2 4494 2.61% 1682 3.26% /ac-history-menu/archival-collections.html
3 3452 2.00% 1254 2.43% /manage-your-acfpl-account/make-a-wish-list-request.html
4 1277 0.74% 964 1.87% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s/15-heston-archives/147-atlantic-city-history-22.html
5 2270 1.32% 947 1.84% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-faq-s.html
6 2236 1.30% 805 1.56% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections.html
7 907 0.53% 660 1.28% /ac-history-menu/atlantic-city-heritage-collections/15-heston-archives/68-history-of-casino-gambling-in-atlantic-city.html
8 1553 0.90% 612 1.19% /component/content/article.html
9 2245 1.30% 489 0.95% /events-menu/past-acfpl-news-stories.html
10 744 0.43% 457 0.89% /about-us-new/hours-locations-menu.html

Top 30 of 21439 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 6699 3.88% 198 0.14% 233408 6.52% 3 0.01%
2 2065 1.20% 1758 1.26% 8490 0.24% 49 0.09%
3 1787 1.04% 1748 1.26% 14045 0.39% 206 0.38%
4 1784 1.03% 1753 1.26% 13659 0.38% 222 0.41%
5 1755 1.02% 1725 1.24% 13699 0.38% 208 0.38%
6 1753 1.02% 1753 1.26% 70380 1.97% 9 0.02%
7 1745 1.01% 1712 1.23% 13679 0.38% 204 0.37%
8 1732 1.00% 1702 1.22% 13988 0.39% 215 0.39%
9 1731 1.00% 1696 1.22% 13442 0.38% 226 0.41%
10 1709 0.99% 1672 1.20% 13367 0.37% 225 0.41%
11 1709 0.99% 1666 1.20% 13324 0.37% 236 0.43%
12 1707 0.99% 1673 1.20% 13467 0.38% 229 0.42%
13 1697 0.98% 1669 1.20% 12885 0.36% 239 0.44%
14 1696 0.98% 1662 1.19% 13103 0.37% 219 0.40%
15 1695 0.98% 1664 1.20% 12814 0.36% 219 0.40%
16 1689 0.98% 1653 1.19% 13247 0.37% 231 0.42%
17 1687 0.98% 1655 1.19% 13280 0.37% 230 0.42%
18 1685 0.98% 1371 0.99% 12218 0.34% 1 0.00%
19 1684 0.98% 1652 1.19% 13175 0.37% 234 0.43%
20 1667 0.97% 1629 1.17% 13129 0.37% 221 0.40%
21 1660 0.96% 1619 1.16% 12479 0.35% 229 0.42%
22 1651 0.96% 1605 1.15% 12546 0.35% 234 0.43%
23 1629 0.94% 1599 1.15% 12525 0.35% 235 0.43%
24 1565 0.91% 64 0.05% 706 0.02% 2 0.00%
25 1564 0.91% 1534 1.10% 12088 0.34% 224 0.41%
26 1559 0.90% 1434 1.03% 10110 0.28% 5 0.01%
27 1336 0.77% 1336 0.96% 53700 1.50% 4 0.01%
28 1224 0.71% 1224 0.88% 8659 0.24% 102 0.19%
29 1038 0.60% 975 0.70% 39280 1.10% 275 0.50%
30 930 0.54% 868 0.62% 19734 0.55% 278 0.51%

Top 10 of 21439 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 6699 3.88% 198 0.14% 233408 6.52% 3 0.01%
2 49 0.03% 49 0.04% 100371 2.80% 1 0.00%
3 40 0.02% 40 0.03% 97131 2.71% 0 0.00%
4 35 0.02% 35 0.03% 86228 2.41% 0 0.00%
5 36 0.02% 36 0.03% 85592 2.39% 0 0.00%
6 96 0.06% 96 0.07% 81625 2.28% 1 0.00%
7 39 0.02% 39 0.03% 72603 2.03% 1 0.00%
8 31 0.02% 31 0.02% 71989 2.01% 1 0.00%
9 1753 1.02% 1753 1.26% 70380 1.97% 9 0.02%
10 38 0.02% 37 0.03% 66019 1.84% 1 0.00%

Top 30 of 3162 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 150462 87.22% - (Direct Request)
2 2439 1.41%
3 1756 1.02%
4 1402 0.81%
5 738 0.43%
6 616 0.36%
7 588 0.34%
8 399 0.23%
9 353 0.20%
10 347 0.20%
11 330 0.19%
12 279 0.16%
13 242 0.14%
14 240 0.14%
15 238 0.14%
16 207 0.12%
17 207 0.12%
18 173 0.10%
19 144 0.08%
20 140 0.08%
21 133 0.08%
22 132 0.08%
23 132 0.08%
24 130 0.08%
25 130 0.08%
26 128 0.07%
27 126 0.07%
28 125 0.07%
29 120 0.07%
30 114 0.07%

Top 20 of 36 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 11 17.74%
2 7 11.29%
3 4 6.45% anthonypanico e-mail: @ site:
4 3 4.84%
5 3 4.84%
6 3 4.84%
7 2 3.23%
8 1 1.61%
9 1 1.61%
10 1 1.61%
11 1 1.61%
12 1 1.61%
13 1 1.61%
14 1 1.61%
15 1 1.61%
16 1 1.61%
17 1 1.61%
18 1 1.61%
19 1 1.61%
20 1 1.61%

Top 15 of 4148 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 34198 19.82% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
2 9630 5.58% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:80.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/80.0
3 9160 5.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
4 8557 4.96% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
5 8424 4.88% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
6 6377 3.70% Mozilla/5.0 [en] (X11, U; OpenVAS-VT 9.0.3)
7 5252 3.04% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/129.0.6668.89 Mobile
8 4268 2.47% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
9 3856 2.24% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
10 3266 1.89% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
11 3051 1.77% serpstatbot/2.1 (advanced backlink tracking bot;;
12 2609 1.51% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
13 2335 1.35% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
14 2322 1.35% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
15 2225 1.29% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +

Usage by Country for October 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 172508 100.00% 139117 100.01% 3581310 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23