Usage Statistics for Collaboration AC

Summary Period: September 2024
Generated 30-Sep-2024 03:10 -00

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for September 2024
Total Hits 716512
Total Files 664585
Total Pages 602255
Total Visits 171835
Total KBytes 38775593
Total Unique Sites 26344
Total Unique URLs 323753
Total Unique Referrers 2998
Total Unique User Agents 2427
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 995 8436
Hits per Day 23883 50005
Files per Day 22152 48388
Pages per Day 20075 44149
Sites per Day 878 7062
Visits per Day 5727 14352
KBytes per Day 1292520 2828972
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 6
Code 200 - OK 92.75% 664585
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.83% 5981
Code 302 - Found 0.54% 3882
Code 303 - See Other 0.07% 499
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.00% 22
Code 307 - Moved Temporarily 0.02% 141
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 4
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.00% 1
Code 403 - Forbidden 3.97% 28449
Code 404 - Not Found 1.81% 12940
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 2

Daily usage for September 2024

Daily Statistics for September 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 27084 3.78% 26693 4.02% 26861 4.46% 4070 2.37% 3489 13.24% 1770992 4.57%
2 31426 4.39% 30199 4.54% 30462 5.06% 4613 2.68% 3934 14.93% 2022384 5.22%
3 32832 4.58% 31775 4.78% 31962 5.31% 4638 2.70% 3954 15.01% 2102032 5.42%
4 33920 4.73% 33013 4.97% 33094 5.50% 4644 2.70% 4053 15.38% 2160395 5.57%
5 31496 4.40% 30618 4.61% 29839 4.95% 4904 2.85% 4540 17.23% 1983252 5.11%
6 31772 4.43% 30605 4.61% 25486 4.23% 4762 2.77% 3961 15.04% 1674994 4.32%
7 35924 5.01% 34265 5.16% 18909 3.14% 6053 3.52% 4935 18.73% 1198605 3.09%
8 31139 4.35% 29798 4.48% 28927 4.80% 4640 2.70% 4074 15.46% 2237673 5.77%
9 29089 4.06% 27237 4.10% 25542 4.24% 4734 2.75% 3964 15.05% 1986312 5.12%
10 12750 1.78% 10760 1.62% 10956 1.82% 4575 2.66% 3994 15.16% 660588 1.70%
11 13370 1.87% 12150 1.83% 11553 1.92% 5007 2.91% 4285 16.27% 670987 1.73%
12 15198 2.12% 13886 2.09% 12714 2.11% 5564 3.24% 4425 16.80% 710389 1.83%
13 10710 1.49% 9868 1.48% 9908 1.65% 4696 2.73% 3973 15.08% 604822 1.56%
14 11917 1.66% 10654 1.60% 10728 1.78% 4627 2.69% 3979 15.10% 663502 1.71%
15 14217 1.98% 12955 1.95% 12984 2.16% 4754 2.77% 4117 15.63% 774066 2.00%
16 10814 1.51% 10284 1.55% 10305 1.71% 4735 2.76% 4202 15.95% 622235 1.60%
17 13947 1.95% 12718 1.91% 12662 2.10% 4678 2.72% 4028 15.29% 760446 1.96%
18 13949 1.95% 12903 1.94% 12941 2.15% 5116 2.98% 4499 17.08% 781099 2.01%
19 15452 2.16% 13953 2.10% 13551 2.25% 5861 3.41% 4873 18.50% 829145 2.14%
20 22090 3.08% 20403 3.07% 17783 2.95% 9857 5.74% 5601 21.26% 1162608 3.00%
21 17191 2.40% 14946 2.25% 13932 2.31% 7946 4.62% 4982 18.91% 889607 2.29%
22 10809 1.51% 9074 1.37% 8853 1.47% 5211 3.03% 4750 18.03% 557230 1.44%
23 11881 1.66% 10558 1.59% 10230 1.70% 4947 2.88% 4341 16.48% 631205 1.63%
24 34664 4.84% 26434 3.98% 19452 3.23% 6918 4.03% 4548 17.26% 1292762 3.33%
25 34216 4.78% 31807 4.79% 21324 3.54% 6842 3.98% 3793 14.40% 1390776 3.59%
26 31472 4.39% 29138 4.38% 22776 3.78% 5069 2.95% 1780 6.76% 1311167 3.38%
27 43603 6.09% 37715 5.67% 35445 5.89% 7919 4.61% 4307 16.35% 2020141 5.21%
28 34756 4.85% 33495 5.04% 32308 5.36% 8521 4.96% 5182 19.67% 2077627 5.36%
29 50005 6.98% 48388 7.28% 44149 7.33% 14352 8.35% 7062 26.81% 2828972 7.30%
30 8819 1.23% 8293 1.25% 6619 1.10% 2275 1.32% 1588 6.03% 399577 1.03%

Hourly usage for September 2024

Hourly Statistics for September 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 991 29749 4.15% 922 27668 4.16% 808 24247 4.03% 50994 1529824 3.95%
1 887 26632 3.72% 790 23721 3.57% 698 20945 3.48% 44702 1341071 3.46%
2 1197 35930 5.01% 1033 30995 4.66% 959 28778 4.78% 58037 1741122 4.49%
3 892 26773 3.74% 851 25544 3.84% 797 23935 3.97% 51322 1539654 3.97%
4 994 29843 4.17% 926 27794 4.18% 857 25716 4.27% 56143 1684302 4.34%
5 932 27988 3.91% 905 27166 4.09% 806 24205 4.02% 53849 1615475 4.17%
6 980 29410 4.10% 938 28167 4.24% 852 25574 4.25% 55771 1673121 4.31%
7 916 27499 3.84% 874 26248 3.95% 797 23934 3.97% 51929 1557879 4.02%
8 886 26604 3.71% 837 25122 3.78% 755 22669 3.76% 49299 1478966 3.81%
9 1076 32292 4.51% 907 27214 4.09% 821 24654 4.09% 53832 1614946 4.16%
10 1178 35362 4.94% 1016 30481 4.59% 914 27434 4.56% 58968 1769037 4.56%
11 973 29192 4.07% 920 27614 4.16% 853 25596 4.25% 56464 1693928 4.37%
12 1053 31599 4.41% 1013 30417 4.58% 915 27458 4.56% 60094 1802823 4.65%
13 983 29499 4.12% 910 27313 4.11% 844 25347 4.21% 54993 1649804 4.25%
14 995 29854 4.17% 939 28181 4.24% 871 26137 4.34% 56649 1699468 4.38%
15 967 29015 4.05% 929 27876 4.19% 869 26075 4.33% 57011 1710330 4.41%
16 994 29827 4.16% 917 27535 4.14% 797 23934 3.97% 52381 1571431 4.05%
17 973 29199 4.08% 903 27118 4.08% 811 24352 4.04% 52576 1577275 4.07%
18 1091 32745 4.57% 1027 30830 4.64% 904 27144 4.51% 57285 1718542 4.43%
19 988 29658 4.14% 922 27681 4.17% 807 24224 4.02% 52711 1581323 4.08%
20 957 28715 4.01% 903 27101 4.08% 804 24123 4.01% 51849 1555461 4.01%
21 1012 30360 4.24% 929 27879 4.19% 874 26233 4.36% 52576 1577285 4.07%
22 1012 30364 4.24% 926 27780 4.18% 832 24968 4.15% 51924 1557721 4.02%
23 946 28403 3.96% 904 27140 4.08% 819 24573 4.08% 51160 1534802 3.96%

Top 30 of 323753 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 156175 21.80% 8590635 22.15% /es-es/upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/eventosporrango/-
2 36246 5.06% 3113435 8.03% /es-es/upcoming-events/eventosporrango/-
3 13887 1.94% 65999 0.17% /component/jevents/icals.icalevent/-
4 13454 1.88% 62396 0.16% /es-es/upcoming-events/icals.icalevent/-
5 12558 1.75% 53102 0.14% /component/jevents/icals.icalrepeat/-
6 12034 1.68% 54691 0.14% /es-es/upcoming-events/icals.icalrepeat/-
7 11453 1.60% 50361 0.13% /upcoming-events/icals.icalevent/-
8 10304 1.44% 41716 0.11% /upcoming-events/icals.icalrepeat/-
9 4942 0.69% 197293 0.51% /
10 2205 0.31% 11697 0.03% /plugins/system/djaccessibility/module/assets/js/accessibility.min.js
11 1702 0.24% 29973 0.08% /plugins/system/djaccessibility/module/assets/css/accessibility.css
12 1175 0.16% 14754 0.04% /es-es/
13 396 0.06% 26033 0.07% /news
14 361 0.05% 33783 0.09% /upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/daterange/-
15 350 0.05% 37550 0.10% /organizations
16 338 0.05% 36227 0.09% /organizations/all-organizations
17 324 0.05% 32202 0.08% /upcoming-events/daterange/-
18 318 0.04% 28638 0.07% /es-es/organizaciones
19 278 0.04% 23191 0.06% /es-es/organizations
20 241 0.03% 6102 0.02% /upcoming-events/crawler.listevents/-
21 233 0.03% 19535 0.05% /es-es/organizations/all-organizations
22 164 0.02% 20932 0.05% /organizations/non-profit
23 156 0.02% 10388 0.03% /about
24 150 0.02% 15160 0.04% /organizations/after-school-programs
25 145 0.02% 5438 0.01% /es-es/noticias
26 145 0.02% 18281 0.05% /organizations/community-groups
27 142 0.02% 17598 0.05% /organizations/mental-health
28 138 0.02% 17040 0.04% /organizations/health
29 136 0.02% 13667 0.04% /organizations-3/all-organizations
30 128 0.02% 15475 0.04% /organizations/youth-services

Top 10 of 323753 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 156175 21.80% 8590635 22.15% /es-es/upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/eventosporrango/-
2 36246 5.06% 3113435 8.03% /es-es/upcoming-events/eventosporrango/-
3 4942 0.69% 197293 0.51% /
4 13887 1.94% 65999 0.17% /component/jevents/icals.icalevent/-
5 13454 1.88% 62396 0.16% /es-es/upcoming-events/icals.icalevent/-
6 12034 1.68% 54691 0.14% /es-es/upcoming-events/icals.icalrepeat/-
7 12558 1.75% 53102 0.14% /component/jevents/icals.icalrepeat/-
8 11453 1.60% 50361 0.13% /upcoming-events/icals.icalevent/-
9 10304 1.44% 41716 0.11% /upcoming-events/icals.icalrepeat/-
10 350 0.05% 37550 0.10% /organizations

Top 10 of 146370 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4942 0.69% 3820 2.26% /
2 156175 21.80% 704 0.42% /es-es/upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/eventosporrango/-
3 396 0.06% 306 0.18% /news
4 1175 0.16% 232 0.14% /es-es/
5 318 0.04% 201 0.12% /es-es/organizaciones
6 278 0.04% 182 0.11% /es-es/organizations
7 338 0.05% 177 0.10% /organizations/all-organizations
8 350 0.05% 165 0.10% /organizations
9 233 0.03% 134 0.08% /es-es/organizations/all-organizations
10 361 0.05% 122 0.07% /upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/daterange/-

Top 10 of 146064 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 4942 0.69% 4549 2.67% /
2 1175 0.16% 948 0.56% /es-es/
3 156175 21.80% 838 0.49% /es-es/upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/eventosporrango/-
4 396 0.06% 316 0.19% /news
5 318 0.04% 205 0.12% /es-es/organizaciones
6 324 0.05% 188 0.11% /upcoming-events/daterange/-
7 350 0.05% 178 0.10% /organizations
8 338 0.05% 178 0.10% /organizations/all-organizations
9 278 0.04% 174 0.10% /es-es/organizations
10 233 0.03% 142 0.08% /es-es/organizations/all-organizations

Top 30 of 26344 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 65422 9.13% 65054 9.79% 4105219 10.59% 16 0.01%
2 64895 9.06% 64532 9.71% 4073592 10.51% 16 0.01%
3 59021 8.24% 58711 8.83% 3677890 9.49% 20 0.01%
4 6902 0.96% 4637 0.70% 258734 0.67% 10 0.01%
5 6642 0.93% 1 0.00% 8859 0.02% 1 0.00%
6 5124 0.72% 5112 0.77% 281942 0.73% 27 0.02%
7 4168 0.58% 4158 0.63% 228871 0.59% 21 0.01%
8 3993 0.56% 3990 0.60% 219893 0.57% 17 0.01%
9 3476 0.49% 3475 0.52% 191186 0.49% 15 0.01%
10 3270 0.46% 3256 0.49% 181041 0.47% 16 0.01%
11 3263 0.46% 3258 0.49% 178099 0.46% 17 0.01%
12 2981 0.42% 2980 0.45% 163899 0.42% 13 0.01%
13 2948 0.41% 2948 0.44% 162099 0.42% 12 0.01%
14 2948 0.41% 2940 0.44% 161700 0.42% 16 0.01%
15 2853 0.40% 2849 0.43% 156897 0.40% 17 0.01%
16 2812 0.39% 2806 0.42% 152957 0.39% 17 0.01%
17 2774 0.39% 2772 0.42% 152308 0.39% 15 0.01%
18 2559 0.36% 2552 0.38% 140286 0.36% 10 0.01%
19 2510 0.35% 2499 0.38% 137999 0.36% 13 0.01%
20 2452 0.34% 2452 0.37% 134806 0.35% 11 0.01%
21 2437 0.34% 2436 0.37% 134011 0.35% 7 0.00%
22 2437 0.34% 2425 0.36% 133795 0.35% 10 0.01%
23 2431 0.34% 2430 0.37% 133399 0.34% 15 0.01%
24 2360 0.33% 2345 0.35% 130393 0.34% 17 0.01%
25 2336 0.33% 2334 0.35% 128516 0.33% 10 0.01%
26 2239 0.31% 2236 0.34% 123272 0.32% 18 0.01%
27 2216 0.31% 2194 0.33% 121416 0.31% 17 0.01%
28 2153 0.30% 2152 0.32% 118799 0.31% 9 0.01%
29 2135 0.30% 2127 0.32% 117332 0.30% 13 0.01%
30 2069 0.29% 2056 0.31% 114489 0.30% 12 0.01%

Top 10 of 26344 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 65422 9.13% 65054 9.79% 4105219 10.59% 16 0.01%
2 64895 9.06% 64532 9.71% 4073592 10.51% 16 0.01%
3 59021 8.24% 58711 8.83% 3677890 9.49% 20 0.01%
4 5124 0.72% 5112 0.77% 281942 0.73% 27 0.02%
5 6902 0.96% 4637 0.70% 258734 0.67% 10 0.01%
6 4168 0.58% 4158 0.63% 228871 0.59% 21 0.01%
7 3993 0.56% 3990 0.60% 219893 0.57% 17 0.01%
8 3476 0.49% 3475 0.52% 191186 0.49% 15 0.01%
9 3270 0.46% 3256 0.49% 181041 0.47% 16 0.01%
10 3263 0.46% 3258 0.49% 178099 0.46% 17 0.01%

Top 30 of 2998 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 698060 97.42% - (Direct Request)
2 2016 0.28%
3 304 0.04%
4 214 0.03%
5 196 0.03%
6 193 0.03%
7 192 0.03%
8 176 0.02%
9 166 0.02%
10 126 0.02%
11 120 0.02%
12 116 0.02%
13 108 0.02%
14 102 0.01%
15 102 0.01%
16 97 0.01%
17 92 0.01%
18 90 0.01%
19 89 0.01%
20 88 0.01%
21 88 0.01%
22 86 0.01%
23 82 0.01%
24 77 0.01%
25 76 0.01%
26 70 0.01%
27 70 0.01%
28 70 0.01%
29 70 0.01%
30 67 0.01%

Top 15 of 2427 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 316401 44.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
2 158791 22.16% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
3 119303 16.65% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
4 36585 5.11% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
5 6645 0.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Safari/537.36
6 5842 0.82% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
7 4870 0.68% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/94.0.4606.61 Safari/537.36
8 3350 0.47% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
9 1878 0.26% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
10 1651 0.23% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
11 1420 0.20% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/128.0.6613.137 Mobile
12 1352 0.19% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux armv7l) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36
13 1076 0.15% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot-BA; +
14 986 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/128.0.6613.113 Mobile
15 938 0.13% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009120208 Firefox/3.0.16 FBSMTWB

Usage by Country for September 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 716512 100.00% 664585 100.00% 38775593 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23