Usage Statistics for Collaboration AC

Summary Period: October 2024
Generated 18-Oct-2024 03:10 -00

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2024
Total Hits 316546
Total Files 297192
Total Pages 282064
Total Visits 110979
Total KBytes 18360543
Total Unique Sites 24208
Total Unique URLs 169534
Total Unique Referrers 1874
Total Unique User Agents 2298
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 732 3295
Hits per Day 17585 47526
Files per Day 16510 45447
Pages per Day 15670 44890
Sites per Day 1344 6844
Visits per Day 6165 12205
KBytes per Day 1020030 2835219
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 93.89% 297192
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1.04% 3278
Code 302 - Found 0.07% 230
Code 303 - See Other 0.08% 240
Code 307 - Moved Temporarily 0.00% 5
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 1
Code 403 - Forbidden 4.32% 13663
Code 404 - Not Found 0.61% 1937

Daily usage for October 2024

Daily Statistics for October 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 34538 10.91% 34107 11.48% 33128 11.74% 9944 8.96% 5563 22.98% 2144972 11.68%
2 47526 15.01% 45447 15.29% 44890 15.91% 11749 10.59% 6844 28.27% 2835219 15.44%
3 46447 14.67% 43507 14.64% 43194 15.31% 10413 9.38% 4923 20.34% 2439274 13.29%
4 30920 9.77% 29635 9.97% 29090 10.31% 12205 11.00% 5000 20.65% 1890658 10.30%
5 26717 8.44% 25323 8.52% 20058 7.11% 5697 5.13% 3544 14.64% 1307173 7.12%
6 23157 7.32% 21340 7.18% 17706 6.28% 10298 9.28% 4714 19.47% 1147140 6.25%
7 21419 6.77% 18582 6.25% 17459 6.19% 9713 8.75% 4760 19.66% 1044026 5.69%
8 16070 5.08% 14526 4.89% 14323 5.08% 6673 6.01% 4766 19.69% 888616 4.84%
9 14644 4.63% 13561 4.56% 13294 4.71% 7990 7.20% 5731 23.67% 837374 4.56%
10 15018 4.74% 14008 4.71% 13580 4.81% 7125 6.42% 4721 19.50% 844313 4.60%
11 15884 5.02% 15315 5.15% 13746 4.87% 6928 6.24% 4729 19.53% 862168 4.70%
12 14307 4.52% 12617 4.25% 12463 4.42% 6911 6.23% 4820 19.91% 782090 4.26%
13 9714 3.07% 9056 3.05% 8961 3.18% 5631 5.07% 4076 16.84% 1326782 7.23%
14 39 0.01% 38 0.01% 39 0.01% 32 0.03% 18 0.07% 2533 0.01%
15 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
16 9 0.00% 7 0.00% 7 0.00% 6 0.01% 8 0.03% 340 0.00%
17 117 0.04% 104 0.03% 106 0.04% 39 0.04% 40 0.17% 6525 0.04%
18 20 0.01% 19 0.01% 20 0.01% 12 0.01% 12 0.05% 1341 0.01%

Hourly usage for October 2024

Hourly Statistics for October 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 720 12962 4.09% 662 11918 4.01% 644 11597 4.11% 38642 695563 3.79%
1 696 12532 3.96% 587 10573 3.56% 555 10004 3.55% 33527 603482 3.29%
2 704 12677 4.00% 669 12053 4.06% 565 10185 3.61% 36129 650328 3.54%
3 708 12744 4.03% 692 12471 4.20% 633 11395 4.04% 39784 716112 3.90%
4 748 13469 4.25% 738 13294 4.47% 659 11872 4.21% 41400 745199 4.06%
5 862 15517 4.90% 800 14415 4.85% 732 13183 4.67% 45214 813855 4.43%
6 814 14663 4.63% 782 14089 4.74% 768 13839 4.91% 46729 841131 4.58%
7 737 13273 4.19% 652 11747 3.95% 639 11517 4.08% 39319 707743 3.85%
8 814 14667 4.63% 723 13027 4.38% 712 12824 4.55% 44552 801941 4.37%
9 968 17427 5.51% 873 15714 5.29% 847 15256 5.41% 50761 913694 4.98%
10 728 13121 4.15% 696 12542 4.22% 674 12138 4.30% 43178 777198 4.23%
11 735 13241 4.18% 724 13049 4.39% 678 12219 4.33% 43726 787067 4.29%
12 805 14495 4.58% 776 13976 4.70% 730 13152 4.66% 48781 878055 4.78%
13 770 13870 4.38% 760 13683 4.60% 688 12399 4.40% 44745 805406 4.39%
14 846 15231 4.81% 836 15055 5.07% 774 13939 4.94% 50492 908860 4.95%
15 775 13961 4.41% 740 13335 4.49% 669 12050 4.27% 43229 778114 4.24%
16 778 14017 4.43% 749 13483 4.54% 729 13128 4.65% 87849 1581279 8.61%
17 682 12276 3.88% 669 12051 4.05% 653 11761 4.17% 39860 717475 3.91%
18 718 12939 4.09% 689 12419 4.18% 676 12181 4.32% 41412 745418 4.06%
19 543 9785 3.09% 490 8827 2.97% 477 8597 3.05% 29195 525503 2.86%
20 695 12511 3.95% 630 11344 3.82% 619 11143 3.95% 38241 688339 3.75%
21 503 9057 2.86% 429 7727 2.60% 426 7675 2.72% 25842 465158 2.53%
22 656 11824 3.74% 624 11244 3.78% 606 10912 3.87% 37163 668936 3.64%
23 571 10287 3.25% 508 9156 3.08% 505 9098 3.23% 30260 544687 2.97%

Top 30 of 169534 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 78232 24.71% 4387643 23.90% /es-es/upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/eventosporrango/-
2 5296 1.67% 23884 0.13% /upcoming-events/icals.icalevent/-
3 4924 1.56% 19435 0.11% /upcoming-events/icals.icalrepeat/-
4 3898 1.23% 395965 2.16% /upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/daterange/-
5 3212 1.01% 12734 0.07% /es-es/upcoming-events/icals.icalevent/-
6 3167 1.00% 10690 0.06% /es-es/upcoming-events/icals.icalrepeat/-
7 1960 0.62% 89284 0.49% /
8 1824 0.58% 7339 0.04% /component/jevents/icals.icalevent/-
9 1752 0.55% 5649 0.03% /component/jevents/icals.icalrepeat/-
10 1677 0.53% 148360 0.81% /upcoming-events/daterange/-
11 642 0.20% 47673 0.26% /es-es/upcoming-events/eventosporrango/-
12 238 0.08% 1232 0.01% /plugins/system/djaccessibility/module/assets/js/accessibility.min.js
13 163 0.05% 10847 0.06% /news
14 159 0.05% 6449 0.04% /es-es/
15 136 0.04% 11354 0.06% /es-es/organizations
16 134 0.04% 5065 0.03% /es-es/noticias
17 123 0.04% 13178 0.07% /organizations/all-organizations
18 115 0.04% 12331 0.07% /organizations
19 113 0.04% 9469 0.05% /es-es/organizations/all-organizations
20 106 0.03% 9543 0.05% /es-es/organizaciones
21 100 0.03% 2169 0.01% /plugins/system/djaccessibility/module/assets/css/accessibility.css
22 87 0.03% 2203 0.01% /upcoming-events/crawler.listevents/-
23 63 0.02% 3471 0.02% /my-account/login
24 63 0.02% 8022 0.04% /organizations/non-profit
25 60 0.02% 762511 4.15% /administrator/
26 57 0.02% 3141 0.02% /login-3
27 56 0.02% 2898 0.02% /es-es/upcoming-events/upcoming-events-monthly-calendar/eventosporcategoria
28 55 0.02% 5529 0.03% /organizations/after-school-programs
29 55 0.02% 6562 0.04% /organizations/health
30 53 0.02% 6203 0.03% /organizations/youth-services

Top 10 of 169534 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 78232 24.71% 4387643 23.90% /es-es/upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/eventosporrango/-
2 60 0.02% 762511 4.15% /administrator/
3 3898 1.23% 395965 2.16% /upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/daterange/-
4 1677 0.53% 148360 0.81% /upcoming-events/daterange/-
5 1960 0.62% 89284 0.49% /
6 642 0.20% 47673 0.26% /es-es/upcoming-events/eventosporrango/-
7 5296 1.67% 23884 0.13% /upcoming-events/icals.icalevent/-
8 4924 1.56% 19435 0.11% /upcoming-events/icals.icalrepeat/-
9 123 0.04% 13178 0.07% /organizations/all-organizations
10 3212 1.01% 12734 0.07% /es-es/upcoming-events/icals.icalevent/-

Top 10 of 97401 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 78232 24.71% 2356 2.16% /es-es/upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/eventosporrango/-
2 3898 1.23% 1472 1.35% /upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/daterange/-
3 1960 0.62% 1335 1.22% /
4 1677 0.53% 629 0.58% /upcoming-events/daterange/-
5 642 0.20% 218 0.20% /es-es/upcoming-events/eventosporrango/-
6 163 0.05% 124 0.11% /news
7 159 0.05% 111 0.10% /es-es/
8 136 0.04% 65 0.06% /es-es/organizations
9 134 0.04% 63 0.06% /es-es/noticias
10 106 0.03% 60 0.05% /es-es/organizaciones

Top 10 of 97479 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 78232 24.71% 2398 2.17% /es-es/upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/eventosporrango/-
2 3898 1.23% 1466 1.32% /upcoming-events/calendar-by-grid/daterange/-
3 1960 0.62% 1297 1.17% /
4 1677 0.53% 746 0.67% /upcoming-events/daterange/-
5 642 0.20% 211 0.19% /es-es/upcoming-events/eventosporrango/-
6 163 0.05% 130 0.12% /news
7 159 0.05% 107 0.10% /es-es/
8 136 0.04% 64 0.06% /es-es/organizations
9 123 0.04% 62 0.06% /organizations/all-organizations
10 106 0.03% 59 0.05% /es-es/organizaciones

Top 30 of 24208 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 2305 0.73% 2303 0.77% 126578 0.69% 8 0.01%
2 2228 0.70% 2228 0.75% 122311 0.67% 10 0.01%
3 2126 0.67% 2123 0.71% 116723 0.64% 7 0.01%
4 1972 0.62% 1970 0.66% 96522 0.53% 10 0.01%
5 1903 0.60% 1903 0.64% 104600 0.57% 8 0.01%
6 1894 0.60% 1892 0.64% 103952 0.57% 8 0.01%
7 1824 0.58% 1823 0.61% 100111 0.55% 9 0.01%
8 1744 0.55% 1741 0.59% 95652 0.52% 6 0.01%
9 1608 0.51% 1607 0.54% 88576 0.48% 6 0.01%
10 1600 0.51% 1600 0.54% 88019 0.48% 6 0.01%
11 1576 0.50% 1526 0.51% 84273 0.46% 8 0.01%
12 1461 0.46% 1459 0.49% 80220 0.44% 5 0.00%
13 1394 0.44% 1393 0.47% 76481 0.42% 6 0.01%
14 1298 0.41% 1298 0.44% 71329 0.39% 6 0.01%
15 1252 0.40% 1251 0.42% 68925 0.38% 5 0.00%
16 1250 0.39% 1246 0.42% 68504 0.37% 7 0.01%
17 1203 0.38% 1201 0.40% 66012 0.36% 5 0.00%
18 1200 0.38% 1200 0.40% 65982 0.36% 4 0.00%
19 1188 0.38% 1188 0.40% 64334 0.35% 4 0.00%
20 1167 0.37% 1167 0.39% 64180 0.35% 4 0.00%
21 1107 0.35% 1107 0.37% 60847 0.33% 5 0.00%
22 1096 0.35% 1096 0.37% 60265 0.33% 5 0.00%
23 1047 0.33% 1047 0.35% 57093 0.31% 6 0.01%
24 1024 0.32% 1024 0.34% 56361 0.31% 4 0.00%
25 1002 0.32% 950 0.32% 64509 0.35% 2 0.00%
26 968 0.31% 966 0.33% 53061 0.29% 4 0.00%
27 901 0.28% 900 0.30% 49464 0.27% 5 0.00%
28 900 0.28% 900 0.30% 49495 0.27% 4 0.00%
29 898 0.28% 897 0.30% 49277 0.27% 4 0.00%
30 801 0.25% 801 0.27% 44036 0.24% 3 0.00%

Top 10 of 24208 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 110 0.03% 97 0.03% 763419 4.16% 1 0.00%
2 2305 0.73% 2303 0.77% 126578 0.69% 8 0.01%
3 2228 0.70% 2228 0.75% 122311 0.67% 10 0.01%
4 2126 0.67% 2123 0.71% 116723 0.64% 7 0.01%
5 1903 0.60% 1903 0.64% 104600 0.57% 8 0.01%
6 1894 0.60% 1892 0.64% 103952 0.57% 8 0.01%
7 1824 0.58% 1823 0.61% 100111 0.55% 9 0.01%
8 1972 0.62% 1970 0.66% 96522 0.53% 10 0.01%
9 1744 0.55% 1741 0.59% 95652 0.52% 6 0.01%
10 1608 0.51% 1607 0.54% 88576 0.48% 6 0.01%

Top 30 of 1874 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 312477 98.71% - (Direct Request)
2 709 0.22%
3 101 0.03%
4 85 0.03%
5 67 0.02%
6 63 0.02%
7 58 0.02%
8 53 0.02%
9 46 0.01%
10 40 0.01%
11 36 0.01%
12 33 0.01%
13 32 0.01%
14 30 0.01%
15 30 0.01%
16 27 0.01%
17 26 0.01%
18 24 0.01%
19 21 0.01%
20 20 0.01%
21 20 0.01%
22 18 0.01%
23 17 0.01%
24 16 0.01%
25 14 0.00% 45ea207d7a2b68c49582d2d22adf953aads
26 14 0.00%
27 13 0.00%
28 12 0.00%
29 12 0.00%
30 12 0.00%

Top 2 of 2 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 50.00%
2 1 50.00%

Top 15 of 2298 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 77284 24.41% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
2 69818 22.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
3 58695 18.54% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
4 49544 15.65% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
5 14015 4.43% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
6 2929 0.93% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
7 1373 0.43% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/129.0.6668.89 Mobile
8 1070 0.34% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
9 1002 0.32% netEstate NE Crawler (+
10 954 0.30% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
11 754 0.24% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot-BA; +
12 379 0.12% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/129.0.6668.70 Mobile
13 290 0.09% Go-http-client/1.1
14 251 0.08% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AwarioBot/1.0; +
15 226 0.07% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/

Usage by Country for October 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 316546 100.00% 297192 100.00% 18360543 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23